Duo series (1991-2015)
The DUO series consists of three sets (each set two images), all archival pigment prints in the size of 17 x 22 inch:
1. DUO: Aunt, Mother, Lolly and Me I & II
2. Cameraworks, Holly & Wingo / We knew each other since tender age
3. Lady with glossy lips and red nail-polish / Lady in black cheongsam with flower pattern
DUO is the first pair, produced for the DUO issue of DISLOCATION magazine (see 1) - These are images with layers of old and new family photos.
Cameraworks, Holly & Wingo is a constructed photogram on Cibachrome paper, while We knew each other since tender age was old photographs manipulated digitally (see 2).
The third pair (see 3) are re-generated photographs from old pictures of my mother and my aunt.
In 2012, The Hong Kong Heritage Museum organized Beyond The Portrait, a large scale exhibition of portrait photography by Hong Kong photographers. Two bodies of of portrait works were selected, my earlier black and white portraits My Friends, Artists and Others, as well as works of family photographs from the DUO series.
DUO I: Aunt, Mother, Lolly and Me, 1992
Archival pigment print
17 x 22 inch
Printed in 2015
(Diptych right)
DUO II: Aunt, Mother, Lolly and Me, 1992
Archival pigment print
17 x 22 inch
Printed in 2015
Cameraworks, Holly & Wingo, 1991
Archival pigment print (with scan from the original photogram)
17 x 22 inch
Printed in 2015
We knew each other since tender age, 1996
Archival pigment print
17 x 22 inch
Printed in 2015
Lady with glossy lips and red nail-polish, 1991
Archival pigment print (with scan from the original photogram)
17 x 22 inch
Printed in 2015
Lady in black cheongsam with flower pattern, 2015
Archival pigment print
17 x 22 inch
Printed in 2015